Couponing 101 | Crazy For Couponing
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Congratulations on starting your journey to begin your adventure into couponing. You will find everything you need to know right here.  
Do not get overwhelmed. Starting out can be slow. Start small and do not allow yourself to get frustrated. You will have a support system to help you along the way. Remember that everyone started somewhere.
 The key to couponing is research. It takes time and dedication to start this journey and it is not always easy starting out. A lot of new couponers get burnt out because they get overwhelmed by not being able to do the same trips that some may be posting or showing off. Remember that couponing is just like everything in life, everyone is different and everyone learns different. You may be fine reading information or you may need to find a buddy in your area to help you hands on. But please do not get led into paying a lot of money to obtain information.  The most someone may charge you is $10.00 that would be legit and that would be for materials for printouts etc.  
Social Media is a great way to connect and learn from people. There are so many helpful groups and sites out there to help couponers succeed and learn, But again do not pay for any services to join these groups. Please feel free to contact us with any questions or concerns you may have.  Click on the picture below to begin your lessons. Everything that you will need is below to learn how to coupon.

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