How to Make Your Own Non Toxic Cleaning Wipes at Home
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How to Make Your Own Non Toxic Cleaning Wipes at Home

DIY Cleaning Wipe; How to make your own cleaning wipes at home
DIY Cleaning Wipe; How to make your own cleaning wipes at home

DIY Non Toxic Cleaning Wipes

Tired of harmful chemicals lurking in your cleaning products? Say goodbye to toxins and hello to a healthier home with our DIY non-toxic cleaning wipes! In this post, we'll show you how easy it is to whip up your own batch using simple ingredients you probably already have on hand. Get ready to clean smarter, safer, and more sustainably – all from the comfort of your kitchen!

Cleaning wipes have become a staple in many households, offering quick and convenient solutions for wiping down surfaces and keeping our homes clean. However, what many people don't realize is that these seemingly harmless cleaning wipes contain harmful chemicals that can be damaging to both our health and the environment.

One of the most concerning ingredients found in commercial cleaning wipes is called quaternary ammonium compounds or "quats." These are powerful disinfectants commonly used in antibacterial products, including cleaning wipes. Quats have been linked to skin irritation, allergies, respiratory problems, and even hormonal disruptions.

Another common chemical found in cleaning wipes is alcohol. While it may be effective at killing germs and bacteria on surfaces, it can also strip away natural oils from our skin and cause dryness or irritation. In addition, alcohol fumes can irritate the respiratory system when inhaled.

Many commercial cleaning wipes also contain artificial fragrances to give them a pleasant smell. However, these fragrances are often made up of hundreds of different chemicals that are not listed on the product label. Some of these chemicals have been linked to headaches, dizziness, asthma attacks, and even cancer.

In addition to these harmful chemicals, commercial cleaning wipes also contribute to plastic waste pollution. Most brands use plastic fibers or polyester blend materials for their wipe sheets which do not biodegrade easily and end up polluting our landfills and oceans.

Luckily there are simple alternatives available - making your own non-toxic cleaning wipes at home! By using natural ingredients such as vinegar, essential oils, water-resistant paper towels or cloth rags, you can create your own cleaning wipes that are just as effective as store-bought ones but without the harmful chemicals and plastic waste.

In the following sections of this article, we will guide you through the steps to make your own non-toxic cleaning wipes at home. By doing so, not only will you be protecting yourself from exposure to harmful chemicals, but you'll also be contributing towards a cleaner and healthier planet.

Non Toxic Cleaning Wipes Instructions


DIY Cleaning Wipe; How to make your own cleaning wipes at home
DIY Cleaning Wipe; How to make your own cleaning wipes at home

Rubbing Alcohol (I got mine from the dollar tree)

Castille Soap

Distilled Water (you can make this on the stove, or buy some. I have also used regular tap water and the wipes have worked the same)

Essential Oil (I chose to use lemon as I like that scent for cleaning)

Measuring cup and measuring spoon (Tablespoon)

Wash cloths (I got mine from the dollar tree, as I like that they have a scrubber side and a fabric side, I got 4 packs and there were 2 cloths in each pack so a total of 8)

Container (I got mine from Dollar Tree)


Measure 1 cup of rubbing alcohol into a measuring cup and add to the large container. 

Add 1 cup of water (distilled or non distilled) to the container

Add 3 Tablespoons of castille soap to the mixture

Drop about 30 drops of essential oil.

I stirred the mixture to combine all of the ingredients using the tablespoon (less to clean later!) and then added the wash cloths. If this mixture does not cover the wash cloths completely, you can add more water and rubbing alcohol (I would double the measurements). Once these are used you can add them back to the solution and once the solution is all used up, you can add more of the ingredients to the container. These work well on all surfaces!

When it comes to creating your own non-toxic cleaning wipes at home, proper storage and usage are key factors in ensuring their effectiveness. Here are some tips and tricks to keep in mind:

1. Choose the right container: The container you choose for storing your homemade cleaning wipes should be airtight and leak-proof. This will prevent the solution from evaporating or leaking out, which can reduce the potency of the wipes. Check out the containers here on Amazon

2. Label the container: It is important to clearly label the container with the date of preparation and list of ingredients used. This will help you keep track of when your wipes were made and ensure that you use them within their recommended shelf life. Check out this label maker that we LOVE.

3. Store in a cool, dark place: Exposure to sunlight or heat can cause the solution in your wipes to deteriorate faster. Therefore, it is best to store them in a cool, dark place such as a cupboard or pantry.

4. Use distilled water: When making your cleaning solution, it is recommended to use distilled water instead of tap water. This is because tap water may contain impurities that can affect the efficacy of your wipes over time.

5. Refresh regularly: To maintain the effectiveness of your homemade cleaning wipes, it is important to refresh them every few weeks by adding more solution or replacing old wipes with new ones.

6. Avoid using on delicate surfaces: While these non-toxic cleaning wipes are safe for most surfaces, it is still advisable not to use them on delicate materials such as silk or unfinished wood. Always test a small area first before using on any surface if you're unsure about its compatibility.

7. Don't flush down toilets: Even though these DIY cleaning wipes are made from non-toxic ingredients, they should not be flushed down toilets as they can clog pipes and harm aquatic life.

8. Use gloves when handling bleach-based solutions: If you choose to make bleach-based cleaning wipes, always wear gloves when handling the solution to protect your skin from potential irritation.

9. Keep out of reach of children: As with any cleaning product, it is important to keep these homemade wipes out of reach of children and pets. Store them in a high or locked cabinet to prevent accidental ingestion.

By following these tips and tricks for storage and usage, you can ensure that your non-toxic cleaning wipes are effective, safe, and have a longer shelf life. Remember to always use caution when handling any cleaning solutions and test on small areas before using on larger surfaces. With these homemade wipes, you can have a clean home without worrying about toxic chemicals!

Making eco-friendly choices for a cleaner home is not only beneficial for the environment, but also for your health and overall well-being. By using non-toxic cleaning wipes made at home, you are reducing your carbon footprint and minimizing exposure to harmful chemicals.

One of the main advantages of making your own non-toxic cleaning wipes is that you have control over the ingredients used. As we mentioned previously, most store-bought cleaning wipes contain harsh chemicals that can be harmful to both humans and the environment. By making them at home, you can choose natural and safe ingredients that are easily accessible.

Moreover, these DIY cleaning wipes are cost-effective as they use simple household ingredients such as vinegar, essential oils, and water. This makes it an affordable option compared to constantly purchasing disposable cleaning wipes from the store. In addition, by using reusable cloths or old t-shirts instead of disposable paper towels or napkins, you not only save money but also reduce waste in landfills.

Another benefit of making your own non-toxic cleaning wipes is that they can be customized based on your preferences. You can choose different essential oils for their specific scents and benefits – for example, lemon oil for its disinfecting properties or lavender oil for its calming scent. Additionally, you can adjust the strength of the solution according to your needs – adding more or less water depending on how strong you want it to be.

By using these homemade cleaning wipes regularly in your home, you are contributing towards a cleaner environment by reducing plastic waste from disposable options. You are also eliminating toxic chemicals from entering our water systems through disposal of conventional wipes.

In this blog post, we have discussed how easy it is to make non-toxic cleaning wipes at home using simple ingredients and steps. We have highlighted the negative effects of traditional store-bought options on our health and surroundings. By choosing to make your own eco-friendly alternatives like these homemade cleaning wipes, not only are you taking care of yourself and your loved ones, but also the planet we all share. So next time you need to clean up a mess or disinfect a surface, consider making your own non-toxic cleaning wipes for a safer and greener home.

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