Dollar General Update On New Registers Stacking
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Dollar General Update On New Registers Stacking

Recently we have seen a change in the way the new register systems are stacking the Dollar General Saturday digital coupons and the Gain Coupon. We are seeing more and more new systems stack these coupons, making Saturday's a very successful shopping day at Dollar General.

Don't know if you have an old or new system? Check out how to tell HERE.


-Scan all of your items in the store to make sure they are showing the Gain coupon in app. Some scents do not attach at checkout.

-Have a back up plan in case your store is out of some of the items.

-Need a low amount to get to threshold? Grab one of the $1.00 Gain items and scan to make sure it is attaching. This can be a cheap way to get to your threshold.

NOW...A lot of people will say you cannot stack these two coupons together because of the wording on the coupon, WELL YOU CAN.

The $5.00 off $25.00 Dollar General Saturday only coupon is considered a BASKET COUPON, this means that it goes towards your entire basket and a percentage is taken off each item. The Gain brand specific coupon is considered a threshold coupon where you have to spend a specific amount on a specific brand or item.

Now many people will claim their cashier told them they are not allowed to be stacked etc, so we reached out to get clarification. Here was the response.

We hope this info helps you score some big deals at Dollar General. HAPPY SHOPPING.

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