FREE HIGH VALUE Purina Coupons
This is such a great thing that Purina Does. If you email them at their customer service, you can fill out a request that details what kind of animal you have and they will send you FREE high value coupons right to your mailbox. You can do this every couple weeks and they will send out. I have seen people get up to and some over $50.00 depending on the size of the DOG. You can also request for your furry kitty friend. Make sure you are very detailed with the info they are asking as they send out based on need. SO, if you have large dogs, make sure you make that clear. If you have strays etc, or do shelter work, also make that clear. Asked to be added to their coupons and promotions list etc. Make sure you following the link below to be taken to the correct form. Not everyone gets the same coupons etc, every little bit helps.