Dollar General Cash Back Everything You Need To Know
Dollar General has partnered up with Ibotta to being you cash back on items that you buy at Dollar General. This cash back is added to your account and you can use this “money” at Dollar General on your future purchases.
Things To Remember About Cash Back
-You cannot use coupons at Dollar General along with your cash back offers and or Ibotta For Dollar General
-Cash Back is earned not an instant coupon
In’s And Out’s Of Dollar General Cash Back
The cash back offers can be found in your app with your coupons. You can sort the cash back offers from the coupons in your app.
Open Your App
Click on Deals on the bottom of your phone.
You will see Coupons and Cash Back Offers, Click Filter, and choose cash back offers
Now that you know where to find the cash back offers, now you need to know how to use them. It is very simple, just choose your offer and buy the product. NOW, the one thing to keep in mind is that the cash back offers are offered through Ibotta and technically considered manufacturer coupons. This means another coupon cannot be used in conjunction. You will notice that a lot of the cash back offers have twin manufacturer coupons available which cannot be combined with Ibotta rebates or cash back offers. NOW, with that said you may have gotten cash back with the coupons, but keep in mind, this is Ibotta and how we have seen in the past, Ibotta is more unpredictable then mother nature and they will decide to ban you from the Ibotta app and possibly the Dollar General app. Just keep that in mind when redeeming both.
Now that you have earned your cash back, it is time to use it where some have started to have the issues. You will see your available cash under your wallet. Open your app and click on the scan to spend. Now this where you may have to help the cashier. A lot of the cashiers have no idea how to check with the available cash.